If you are interested in understanding trends in who posts, then you will want to classify the accounts or “authors” in your data. From the data that has been gathered you can add one or more classes to each author that has posts in three steps:

  1. You first need to create the classes before you can add classes to the authors. For example, you might want to classify authors into categories relating to their profession, such as “academic,” “media,” or “politician.” Or you may want to organise them into categories relating to their position on an issue, such as “pro-army” or “anti-government”.
  2. Once you have created these classes, you can then apply them to any authors in your data. The authors in your data will appear in a list that will be ordered by the number of posts gathered (highest first). You will be able to add one or more classes to each author.
  3. Once you are done adding classes to the authors, you can run the classifier and it will apply these classes to every post by one of the classified authors. This will allow you to, for example, find out how many posts were made by authors you classed as “anti-government” or “pro-army”.